Testing Requirements for 3rd Gup Red Stripe

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Document - 3rd Gup Redt Stripe Testing Requirements

Pattern Video:

Joong-Gun Front

Joong-Gun Back


Skip Side Pushing Kick
Skip Side Thrusting Kick
Vertical kick with footsword & reverse footsword
Reverse turning kick – toward front or side front
Mid-air 180 back piercing kick
Three consecutive kicks – same direction


Hand Techniques:

Reverse Knife Hand Side Block
Palm Upward Block
Upper Elbow Strike
Twin Fist Vertical Punch
Twin Fist Upset Punch
X-Fist Rising Block
Palm Pressing Block
Angle punch
U-shaped Block


Ho Sin Sul:

Defend against a full nelson from the rear
Defend against bear hug (over the arms) from rear
Defend against bear hug (over the arms) from front
Defend against a single hair grab from the front
Defend against a single hair grab from the rear
Foot sweeps against an L-stance

Step Sparring:

Free Sparring