Preparing To Test For 4th Gup Blue Belt

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Document - 4th Gup Blue Belt Testing Requirements

Pattern Video:

Yul-Gok Front

Yul-Gok Back

Reverse Hook Kick (offensive)

Hooking Kick (defensive)
Twisting Kick
Flying Turning Kick
Flying Side Turning Kick

Combination Kicks - multiple targets, more difficult kicks

Hand Techniques:
Palm Hooking Block

Front Elbow Strike
Twin Knife-Hand Block
Double Forearm Block

Ho Sin Sul:
Throw against back piercing kick
Capture a side piercing kick
Capture a front snap kick
Defend against a double choke from the front
Defend against a forearm choke from rear
Defend against a headlock from the side

Step Sparring:
2-Step Sparring (Two Counters)

1 Step