Taekwon-Do training can be conducted in any physical location even with the absence of training aids. This is perhaps one of the greatest advantages of this art.
    In order, however, to obtain the optimum results of training, regular equipment and a training hall are required.

Below is the desired standard for a do jang:

  1. Size: 15 meters by 14 meters is an ideal
    size for 40 students per session.
  2. Floor: It should be a wooden floor which
    has the resilience to prevent injury
    during training.
  3. Name plate: It shows both the name and
    rank of each student, promoting incentive.
  4. Training aids: Must be adequate and
    adhere to standards.
  5. Lockers
  6. Shower and sauna (Optional)
  7. Sanitation facilities
  8. Emergency facilities
  9. The student oath below plainly displayed:
          a.  I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do.
          b.  I shall respect my instructors and seniors.
          c.  I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do
          d.  I shall be a champion for freedom and justice.
          e.  I shall build a more peaceful world.
  10. International Taekwon-Do Federation flag and other Taekwon-Do insignias (up to instructor's discretion): to promote respect for true Taekwon-Do.
  11. Recognition plaque: To identify an authorized school of International Taekwon-Do Federation.


    A do jang is an area where young and old, men and women, regardless of race or creed, come to learn Taekwon-Do for the promotion of their mental, moral, physical and cultural education. It should be a place where a certain "esprit de corps" between members can be established with a common goal of promoting and cultivating a noble character. Certainly, to fill the prerequisites necessary to attain these ideas, a well-trained-mentally and physically-black belt instructor is needed. This is the primary consideration for any do-jang. The hall itself must also have the facilities, equipment, and strict regulations to help discipline the student's mind and body.
    The size of the do jang and equipment to be used can be flexible according to the circumstances and individual choice. Again, the only thing that cannot be compromised is the quality of the instructor.

Do Jang Regulations:

  1. Smoking is prohibited.
  2. Refrain from swearing and idle chatter.
  3. Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks or food is not allowed in the do jang.
  4. Wearing shoes is prohibited.
  5. No one is allowed to teach without the instructor's permission.
  6. No one is allowed to leave class without the instructor's permission.
  7. Official dobok must be worn during class.


    Every student must observe the following conduct in the do jang in order to maintain an orderly and effective training hall.
  1. Upon entering the dojang, bow to the International Taekwon-Do Federation flag on the wall.
  2. Bow to the instructor at a proper distance.
  3. Exchange greetings between students.
  4. Bow to the instructor upon falling in line for training.
  5. Recite the oath prior to training.
  6. Meditate for one minute sitting cross-legged after training.
  7. Bow to the instructor upon falling in line again after training.
  8. Bow to the International Taekwon-Do Federation flag before leaving the dojang.

Students bowing to the instructor before training.

Students reciting the oath prior to training.

Students meditating after class.