Centerline Martial Arts Training Curriculum

Our Senior Instructors have been training in ITF style Taekwon-Do since 1996. Taekwon-Do is the Korean art of self-defense, created by Gen. Choi Hong Hi, founder of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, in the year 1955. Its' foundations are based on a centuries old Korean martial art called Taekyon, as well as Judo, Hapkido, Karate and other old styles. Although these ancient arts were used as references, the fundamental theories and principles of Taekwon-Do are totally different from any other martial art in the world.  Taekwon-Do is a version of the unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self-defense, although, it is also practiced as a sport and an excellent means of physical & mental fitness. It's physical techniques are based on the principles of modern science, in particular, Newtonian physics which teaches us how to generate maximum power. Military tactics of attack and defense have also been incorporated. 

Translated literally "tae" stands for jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot. "Kwon" denotes the fist--chiefly to punch or destroy with the hand. "Do" means an art or way. Thus taken collectively "Taekwon-Do" indicates the mental training and the techniques of unarmed combat for self-defense as well as health, involving the skilled application of punches, kicks, blocks, throws and dodges with bare hands and feet to the rapid destruction of the moving opponent or opponents. 


Our training curriculum provides countless benefits including:
  • Improved reflexes and coordination
  • Increased performance in all physical activities
  • Increased strength
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved cardiovascular functions (heart and lungs)
  • Greatly improved balance
  • Ability to defend yourself
  • Improved agility and balance
  • Improved concentration for better work and study habits
  • Stress reduction improving your ability to relax and sleep well
  • Confidence knowing you can deal with confrontation or difficult situations
  • A positive attitude toward life through self-confidence and self-discipline 
  • Self-esteem and an improved outlook on life 
  • Respect for yourself and those around you
  • Motivation and an 'I Can Do It' attitude
  • Improved personal and professional relationships as a result of your improved feeling of well-being
Our training curriculum is always fun and individually challenging. You will look forward to coming to class and feel great when you leave. The core of our curriculum is built around the five physical components of Taekwon-Do:

Physical Composition of Taekwon-Do Self-DefenseSelf-DefenseDallyonSparringPatternsFundemental Movements Fundemental Movements Patterns Sparring Self-Defense Dallyon


The Theory of Power and Moral Culture are also very important aspects of Taekwon-Do including the Tenets Of Taekwon-Do


Advantage Of Taekwon-Do:
1. You may practice individually or in groups. Special equipment or weights are not required. 

2. Injuries and strains are rare. since the body sets its own limits, the physical condition of the student automatically sets the pace. 

3. Develops the entire muscle system of the body from the fingers to toes. 

4. Lean, flexible tissue is produced by Taekwon-Do training. It does not produce large knotty muscles. 

5. Body weight is normalized. Solid tissue is gained for those who are underweight. Body fat is lost for the obese. Calories burned off in one hour of Taekwon-Do training is one of the highest for any sport or activity: 600 calories per hour. 

6. Abdomen becomes firm and strong. Emphasis in twisting trunk and executing kicking movements also develops the side of the trunk and inner thigh muscles. 

7. Women develop a youthful feminine figure. The practice improves the lower abdomen, hips, inner thighs, and cardiovascular strength. 

8.Taekwon-Do is scientifically designed. Every movement has specific purpose. Skillful instructors develop the students belief that success is possible for anyone, making it easy to teach and learn. 

Don't Be Fooled By Imitators! 

Today, the enormous popularity of Taekwon-Do has created imitators, and while imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, in the case of Taekwon-Do this is definitely not true. 
Today, in South Korea, as well as here in the U.S., it is becoming the practice to indiscriminately apply the word Taekwon-Do to a bastardized imitation of the real original Korean martial art. 

Modern Taekwon-Do, as taught by the Original Taekwon-Do Club, differs greatly from other Martial Arts. In fact, no other Martial Art is so advanced with regard to the sophistication and effectiveness of its technique or the overall physical fitness it imparts on its practitioners. 
Since the theories, terminology, techniques, rules, practice suit, and spiritual foundations of Taekwon-Do were scientifically developed and named by Gen. Choi Hong Hi, only those who practice the techniques based on his theories, principles and philosophy are considered to be students of genuine Taekwon-Do. We encourage you to come by and see first hand to understand what our school has to offer.

We invite all prospective students to join us for a free workout. Women, men and children over 12 are all welcome.

We train at Simply Fit Gym located at acros the highway form the Holiday Inn Express  at 1331 Dell Avenue